Faeries’ Grotto (or Faerie’s Grotto?)

I’m Mac and I’m a writer, reader and paranormal enthusiast. Faeries’ Grotto is a place for me to share all of this, including flash fiction pieces and ramblings about my favourite pieces of folklore and mythology.

Where did the name come from?

When you hear Faeries’ Grotto, it makes sense to assume it’s Faerie’s Grotto; it sounds possessive rather than plural, and that’s because it’s both. Faeries’ Grotto is the grotto of multiple faeries, and I was inspired by my own fascination with the varied mythological accounts of them. By far they’re my favourite subject, both in fiction and in mythology, and you’ll find that the majority of my posts will feature them in some way, shape or form.

Be warned, if you’re a hardcore sceptic of the paranormal and existence of mythological beings, this isn’t the place for you! While this place is still fresh, I’ll hold back from sharing my theories and speculations about the possibility of these beings having existed (or still existing), but it might crop up… eventually.

Subscribe to Faeries' Grotto

A bundle of newsletters featuring flash fiction pieces and ramblings of a paranormal and mythology enthusiast.


Writer, reader and paranormal/mythology enthusiast.